I have been researching and experimenting with ways to utilize my teacher chromebook with my
interactive whiteboard and this seems to be an option that works really well for me.
Install Google Cast for Education on your teacher workstation that is connected to your whiteboard.
Make sure that when you go to use cast that you login to chrome on your desktop (click the little silhouette
icon in the upper right hand corner of the browser window). This will allow all of your chrome extensions to
load on your desktop. Now just launch google cast for education and setup the cast window.
Cast video tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzTD4l_G5nc)
To cast your chromebook screen to the desktop. Open chrome on your chromebook and click the 3 dots next to
your chrome extensions bar and scroll down to cast. Select the device (whatever you named the desktop) and
select what you want to cast (desktop---your entire chromebook screen or tab---just the tab you are in).
To have your mobile whiteboard...
I installed realtimeboard (app in the chrome webstore)
I use this whiteboard tool because it allows me to export whatever I write on the "mobile whiteboard" to drive!
Once you start the app you now have a "mobile whiteboard" for your room.
Tutorial for realtimeboard and GAFE integration
Advanced uses of google cast.
If you are using chromebooks in class you can:
1)have students cast their screens to the class whiteboard to review their work/answers with the class.
2)short presentations of lab findings, writings, presentations and any other digitally created work the
students would like to showcase in class.
I have also used a mind mapping tool
Coogle https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/coggle-collaborative-mind/hbcapocoafbfccjgdgammadkndakcfoi
for collaborative mind mapping and google cast on my class whiteboard and it works great as a brainstorming
or even a review activity.
Hope this tutorial helps
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